
Stake ARPA to earn rewards while contributing to the security and integrity of the ecosystem. No minimum holding is required for community members.

Community Staking

Community staking serves as a solution for users who prefer not to run a node. With the community pool, staking and exiting are straightforward and accessible at any time with an unlock period of 14 days. No need to invest in hardware.

Run a Node

By running a node, you can reap the full rewards of participation, enhance the network's decentralization, and avoid entrusting your funds to anyone else. For individuals considering running a node, the staking amount is 500,000 ARPA, and maintaining a dedicated node with uninterrupted internet connectivity is needed.


What is staking

ARPA Staking currently serves as a benefit for early supporters of the ARPA network, allowing you to earn rewards by participating in the staking program ahead of time. In v0.1, we have implemented auto delegation for community members. As the network grows, we will introduce a delegation mechanism to make the staking system another layer of the network's security.

Why staking

Running a node provides a more direct and impactful way to contribute to the network's security and reliability. Through node operation, you can actively engage in the signature-producing process and contribute to the network's overall health.
Security anrd
The more nodes participating and the more ARPA staked, the more reliable the network becomes. By staking your ARPA, you are actively securing the network, increasing its security, and making it more resistant to attacks.
Staking ARPA also helps to decentralize the network by encouraging more participants to run nodes. This helps prevent centralization and ensures that the network remains resilient.
Staking ARPA will allow you to earn rewards for securing the network. Rewards come from the task rewards that ARPA Network nodes receive when producing a signature.
By staking ARPA, you can become an early adopter and active participant in the ARPA community and have a say in the network's development and future direction.